Monday 21 October 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Unusual Character Names

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly book related meme hosted over at The Broke & The Bookish blog.  Click here to see a schedule of future TTT's. 

My Choices: 

There is not one character in this novel without an unusual name. From Bilbo to Gandalf, to Bofur, Bomber and Thorin. The names in all of Tolkiens work is very unusual and unique. See my review HERE

This is also a novel filled with unusual names unique to the series. Names such as Arya, Tyrion, Cersie, Joffrey and Danaerys are some of the unique names. See my Review HERE

The Hunger Games series also has really unusual names. Katniss and Peeta are just the beginning as we see characters called Haymitch and Beetee. The series is a really good one and I'm very excited to see the movie adaption in November. See my review Here

RENESMEE ?  SERIOUSLY?! What even is that? 

Augustus is quite an unusual name. I've never seen or heard of anyone called Augustus before. 

See my full review here

The name Minho is a really odd name. I think its a good name but I found it unusual when I fist began the series. See my review of The Scorch Trials HERE

Some of the names in The Bone Season were a little unusual. The most unusual was that of the Rephaite keeper, Warden.  See my review Here

The names in this book were unusual. The main character is called America, the prince is called Maxon and the best friend is called Aspen. 

Check out my review of The Selection HERE

Check out my review of The Elite HERE

Main characters name is Standish which is a very unusual name for me.

Check out my full review HERE

One of the characters in this novel is called Silence. This is a really odd but suiting name as the character is mute. I can't recommend this book enough. 

Please check out my review HERE


  1. I totally agree about Game of Thrones having a plethora of interesting names and I couldn't stand Renesmee's name!! She made my list too. Here are my picks.

  2. Wow those are some unusual ones! America Singer made my list too (because I didn't like it)... although Aspen is a super pretty name :) I like the name Augustus, but I can't help of thinking about that fat little mouse Gus in the Disney Cinderella movie when I hear it. Renesmee is kinda bad.... I agree with you there! Cool list!

    My TTT

  3. I liked the name Aspen, it sounds really pretty! But America Singer was just plain awful, she is an American singer!!! The Fault in Our Stars made me love the name Augustus, before that it always reminded me of the fat boy from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. My STS.

  4. Augustus is an unusual name and I'm pretty sure after the movie is out in the world people will name their baby after him =)

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