Monday 7 March 2016

10 Signs You Are a Book Blogger

1) You have more  #Shelfies on your phone than selfies 

2)  Goodreads comes up before Google on your most frequently visited pages list 

3)  After finishing a particularly amazing book, your first instinct is to tweet/ instagram / blog about it 

4) When you go to a new town/city for the first time, you always look up what cool bookshops/libraries there are to visit there

5)  Your number 1 most popular search on Instagram is  #bookstagram 

6) You have had to explain what  "booktube" and  "book blogging" mean to people many times

7)  You're on a 1st name basis with your postman because of all your book deliveries

8)  You're always that friend / family member who buys books as gifts for people

9)  When your friends ask you for "a few" book recommendations and you give them a list of 70+ of your favourite books 

10)  Your TBR pile is mountainous ...... yet you still continue to buy books! 


  1. Number four is so me that it's not even funny. I don't even look up touristy things to do anymore. I'm like 'where are all the bookstores, and how many can I visit in one day?' I think I need help.

    Ely @ Tea & Titles

    1. I always look up what cool bookshops there are when travelling too Ely! Thanks so much for reading x

  2. Soooooo accurate though. That Goodreads before Google though, so true.

  3. Hahahha.... I like this post! And can't agree more on those 10 points!

    1. Thank you so much Kitty! Glad you found this post interesting

  4. Haha, I love this post so much! Definitely agree most with #6 and #10. It's official: ONE DAY I WILL BE CRUSHED BY MY TBR. SEND HELP.

  5. Number 7 is me all over! My postman actually says to my mum "More books?"
    Great post! :)

  6. I'm very guilty of number 10, especially ebooks, which I then forget I've bought until I happen to scroll back through my recent amazon purchases! I also do number 8 a lot, especially with my nephews.
